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Sigrid Rausing Trust

Sigrid Rausing Trust was established to support international human rights. The Fund recognizes the strategic importance of Turkey from a democratic standpoint as a bridge between Europe and Asia and its Islamic, secular, and Christian traditions.
Foundations and Independent Organizations


United Kingdom

About the Organization 

The foundation was established to support international human rights. The Fund recognizes the strategic importance of Turkey from a democratic standpoint as a bridge between Europe and Asia and its Islamic, secular, and Christian traditions. The fund has an independent, non-political structure. It is based on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights signed also by Turkey. 

Priority Areas 

Civil and political rights, women's rights, minority rights, social justice.

About Application

The foundation generally accepts applications upon invitation. Grants can be given as special or general support to certain programs. There is no upper or lower limit on the grant amount. They give a one-year grant to the institutions they work with for the first time. Then, they can also give a three-year grant.

In special cases, grantees may receive a new grant called "Development Grant" if they are planning a major structural change in their organization.

In case of a sudden human rights crisis or when protection of human rights defenders is necessary, they can receive an "Urgent Grant". This grant can be received from the institution in advance or at the moment by writing directly to the program officer, with the proposal of the granting institutions. As a rule, the foundation does not provide support for more than 25% of the budget of an organization or project. 

For further information:



Email: [email protected]

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July 2024