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Our Services

STGM provides a wide range of support for civil society to be strong, effective, participatory, transparent, accountable, and independent. It targets active citizens to strengthen the organization, organizations to strengthen organized structures, and organized structures to strengthen civil society.

If you are an active member of the civil society or if you are working as a volunteer or professional in a civil society organization, you can examine the support provided by STGM. STGM provides support to meet the needs of you and/or your organization on the following issues.

These supports include information, documents, advisory hotlines, activities such as training and funds transferred to civil society developed within the scope of the EU-supported projects which we have been carrying out with the support since 2004. Considering both the daily and structural needs of CSOs and volunteers, support is provided in the following areas: CSO Management, CSO Law, Project Management, Digitalization, Advocacy and Civil Society Thinking.    

You can reach STGM support in the following ways: 
i. By accessing documents and videos published on the subject, 
ii. By communicating directly with STGM,
iii. By following the invitations made.

For more detailed information, please check our page on the subject you want to receive support for.

Frequently Asked Questions

The Implementation period is a timeframe in which beneficiary has to implement all components, activities and to make payments of the project. Execution period means to a period of beneficiaries’ legal liability on the contract until the payment of the balance of final amount by the Contracting Authority (is EUD under the direct management modality) and in no event later than 18 months after the end of the implementation period (unless postponed in accordance with the Article 12.5 of the General Conditions).

The expenditures in relation with the project should be made within the implementation period. Namely, the beneficiary should not make expenditures neither prior to the start date of the implementation nor after the end date of the implementation.  The start and end dates of the implementation are indicated in Article 2 of the special conditions of the contract.

An exception is made for costs relating to final reports, including expenditure verification, audit and final evaluation of the project, which may be incurred after the implementation period of the Action. These cost (amount above EUR 500) have to be clearly listed in “The list of pending payments” in worksheet “Final sources of funding” in the final financial report (Annex G / Annex VI). The following details should be provided: Name of the provider, object of the contract (final audit, works execution guarantee…), amount in EUR, due date, reference document (date and number of invoice/contract), explanation and comments (why still not paid?)

For more information, please check out the Companion

As stated in Article 9.5 of General Conditions, in case of change of address, bank account or auditor, the beneficiary should notify the Contracting Authority (is EUD under the direct management modality). Note that in relation to the change of auditor, the Contracting Authority may object to the new auditor, considering the auditor's independence or professional standard.

As stated in the Companion, the notifications on changes should be in written format. A confirmation letter from the Contracting Authority is not necessary to officialise a change of address, bank account, or auditor. The Contracting Authority may however oppose the Coordinator's choice for justified reasons notified to the Coordinator (where possible) within 30 days from the receipt of the letter of the Coordinator. 

Any amendment should be executed in writing to the Contracting Authority (is EUD under the direct management modality). A contract amendment should not be contrary to the principle of grant award decision or contrary to the equal treatment of applicants. Oral agreements for amendments are not considered as the legally binding procedure for all parties.  It’s advised to contact the Contracting Authority (is EUD under the direct management modality) prior to the amendment request to identify whether an addendum is needed.

As stated in the General Conditions of the contract, an amendment request regarding the contract, including annexes, can be made only during the contract’s implementation period. 

For more information, please check out the Companion

As stated in the General Conditions of the contract, the beneficiary should submit the amendment request in written format as soon as the need for amendment is identified and prior to any intended changes taking effect for unilateral amendments. For amendments by addendum, the beneficiary should inform the Contracting Authority (is EUD under the direct management modality) 30 days before the date on which the amendment should enter into force. Note that the contracts cannot be amended after the end of the implementation period.

For more information, please check out the Companion.

An amendment request by addendum should be duly substantiated and should include all necessary information for the Contracting Authority (is EUD under the direct management modality) for taking an informed decision on the request. 

The necessary information for amendment request should in particular covers;

  • The reasons and its justifications of the amendment
  • The detailed information regarding the impact of the amendment on the implementation and budget of the project/action. (i.e. and most notably on the activities and budget of the action).

It’s advised to prepare following documents for an addendum request;

  • The letter of addendum request which gives justifications for the proposed amendment. It’s recommended that the letter is signed and stamped,
  • Description of Action (DoA) that indicates modifications regarding proposed amendments in the form of track changes (including Logical Framework Matrix),
  • Concept Note (as a part of the contract) that indicates changes in proposed amendment in track changes format. Even if it does not contain information in relation with changes, it’s still advised to submit,
  • Revised budget of the contract/project in line with proposed changes,
  • “Other Source of Funding” (as a part of the contract) sheet is also recommended to be submitted with the request (This does not exist in the Companion. The mentioned documentation requests have been observed by STGM in the course of EUD’s practices.) 

Note that hardcopy and soft versions (soft copies to be sent via e-mail) of above-mentioned documentation are recommended to submit to EUD (This does not exist in the Companion. The mentioned documentation requests have been observed by STGM in the course of EUD’s practices.) 

The amendment to the contract by addendum must be signed by the same parties who signed the initial contract, i.e. the coordinator and the contracting authority. An addendum enters into force following signatures of two parties.
Besides, in case of a further clarification request by the EUD, note that additional supporting documents regarding the amendment request should be submitted.

For more information, please check out Companion.

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