![Proje Yönetimi Destekleri](/sites/default/files/styles/gorsel_yatay/public/2020-10/proje-yonetimi-destekleri.png.jpg?itok=rK-x1bRy)
One reason for this is that the project method provides a strong discipline especially for non-routine work, but the more common reason is that projects are seen as an opportunity for the financial resources required by CSOs. The most important of these sources is the grant programs opened by public institutions and international organizations. In order to benefit from these grants, organizations are expected to formulate the work they want to do in the form of “projects”.
As grants become an increasingly important resource for civil society, project management capacity emerges as an important requirement for CSOs.
STGM is one of the first organizations working to increase the capacity of project development and management in civil society in Turkey. STGM, which has been conducting project training regularly and in all regions for the last twenty years, also provided technical support to hundreds of organizations. Nearly three hundred organizations also obtained project grants from the programs conducted by STGM.
STGM's aim is not to spread the project fetishism throughout the country as a campaign. Rather, we aim to strengthen the project management capacities of local organizations so that these grant opportunities, which are easily accessible by institutionalized experienced organizations with their current knowledge, can also be accessed by local organizations.
Project Management Support of STGM
STGM proje uygulamak isteyen STÖ’ler için şu destekleri sağlar:
i. Project management books and brochures, and video presentations on various project topics
Project Cycle Management and Logical Framework Approach are among the oldest publications of STGM. In addition to the STGP books and lecture notes, which are the first Turkish publications in this field, you can find the most up-to-date versions of these resources and educational presentations in the Related Documents section below. In our e-library, you can find not only our own publications but also the related publications of some public institutions and universities. For example, if you are new to the subject and have difficulty in grasping the terms, you can refer to the Project Terms Dictionary in our e-library.
You can also examine the educational presentations on the major stages of project management, from preparing a Logical Framework Matrix to preparing a final report, in the European Union (EU) Projects Support Videos List of our YouTube Channel.
ii. Supporting Documents for CSOs Conducting Projects
While conducting your projects, good information and document recording system are needed both to create institutional memory and to avoid technical and legal problems in financial and administrative processes.
In the process that starts with the notification of the project, we witness that the details that are overlooked in the planning of the project activities, the work to be done with the experts, the management of the activities can create problems for the organizations while the projects are closed. Therefore, based on the project management experience we have gained over the years, we have prepared a checklist to guide organizations and various formats that will serve as examples for the items on this list. You can access this list and examples from the list below.
iii. Proje döngüsü yönetimi eğitimleri
STGM organizes trainings for three important phases of the project cycle management process for CSOs. You can get detailed information about these trainings from our Trainings section:
Project proposal preparation training
Project Management Training
Monitoring and Evaluation Training
Project cycle trainings are planned within the framework of STGM's annual training programs. The call for each training is first published in the Open Calls section of our website and opened to the application of CSOs. CSO representatives to participate in the training are selected from among the applications with the evaluations made in line with the announced criteria. Since the training activities are usually carried out within the scope of an EU-funded grant project run by STGM, the training is free of charge and the basic costs of the participants are also covered.
Face-to-face project cycle trainings are planned for three days, except for special needs. The duration of the online programs that we are currently working on to further develop may differ.
Project cycle training presentations are carried out by the STGM Team and group work accompanies the presentations.
In order to benefit effectively from a project cycle training, you need to prepare for the area and needs of your organization prior to the training and apply the methods shared with presentations during the training to your own problematic area and organization.
iv. One-to-one Assistance from the Support Point for Organizations Preparing Project Application or Conducting Projects
In addition to the information and/or training you get from source documents, you can apply to the CSO Support Point to get direct support for needs that arise during an application preparation on behalf of your organization or during project implementation.
İlgili Dokümanlar:
Project Cycle Management and Logical Framework Approach
Project Stories from Civil Society
EU PRAGUE 2016 – Information Note for Updated Logical Framework Matrix Table
Handbook of the Civil Societist
Guideline for Development and Management of EU Projects
Guidebook for Funding Creation and Accessing EU Funds
Project Cycle Management and Logical Framework Approach Lecture Notes
Logical Framework Approach in Project Development
Advanced Project Implementation, Campaigns and Civil Society Training Seminar Notes
Terms and Explanations Used in the Framework of Project Management Approach and Financial Cooperation
Project Preparation Guide
Monitoring and Evaluation in Projects
Bilgi University Project Cycle Management I
Bilgi University Project Cycle Management II