
The Localization Advocacy Group (YGS), which works in humanitarian aid with the slogan "solution in place, solution from local", has shared the data of 2022.
The Localization Advocacy Group, which took its first steps two years ago at the initiative of the Support to Life Association and grew with the support of the Human Resources Development Foundation (IKGV) and Association of Civil Society Development Center (STGM), closed the year 2022 by working with 28 institutions and 70 representatives of these institutions.
YGS activities in 2022, totaling 95 hours of meetings, are as follows;
- The document Financial Problems in International Partnerships and Proposed Solutions was produced, which includes financial risks in partnerships with donors, international non-governmental organizations, and United Nations agencies, as well as recommendations against these risks.

- Localization Workshop was held on the 6th anniversary of the World Summit of People to discuss the situation of localization in Turkey and future actions.
- Partnership strengthening activities and meetings were held with the US Embassy Population, Refugees and Migration Office (BPRM), the European Union Delegation to Turkey (ECHO), the German International Cooperation Agency (GIZ), and the UN Children's Fund (UNICEF) and the World Food Program (WFP).

- The 2022 Salary Policy Advocacy Text was produced to ensure that the UN Children's Fund (UNICEF) and the World Food Program (WFP) align their salary policies with country conditions.
- The research in Turkey of the State of the Humanitarian System Report is conducted. This report is published by the Active Learning Network for Accountability and Performance in Humanitarian Action (ALNAP) every three years to assess the overall success and progress of humanitarian assistance worldwide.

- Together with the Turkish Refugee Council (TMK), a comprehensive consultation process was organized with local and national non-governmental organizations to shape the Turkey Country Section of the 2023-2025 Regional Refugee and Resilience Plan - 3RP.

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