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Localization Advocacy Group Met in the Village of Hayal

'Sosyokrasi’ konusunda uzmanlıklarıyla bilinen Hayal Köyü ekibi ve Yerelleşme Savunuculuk Grubu 6-9 Ekim 2022 tarihlerinde Bodrum- Dağbelen Köyü’nde bir atölye gerçekleştirdi. Hayal Köyü ekibinin yerleşkesinde gerçekleşen bu atölyeye YSG üyesi 10 dernek katıldı.


The Hayal Village team and the Localization Advocacy Group, known for its expertise in the field of 'sociocracy', held a workshop in Bodrum-Dağbelen Village from October 6 to 9, 2022.

10 YSG member associations participated in this workshop which was held in the campus of the Hayal Village team. The three-day workshop was led by Feyza Eyikul, Burak Ülman and Furkan Eyikul. T

opics discussed in the workshop were;

  • YSG goals; partnership, priority setting
  • YSG structure; participation and involvement, formal and informal, clarification of responsibilities, leadership and coordination
  • YSG collaborations; collaboration within the group, external collaborations, collaboration with the public/donors
  • YSG communications; information flow, transparency In the workshop, which was based on "sociocracy", decisions were made on the governance structure, decision-making mechanism, membership terms, and division of responsibilities of the YSG. The governance structure and decision-making framework are expected to be finalized in three months. The sociocracy proposal booklet can be accessed here.

To learn more about the Localization Advocacy Group and the workshop, please contact the group's secretariat.


Ceren Can

Localization Advocacy Group Coordinator

The Localization Advocacy Group (YSG) is an independent and local initiative that supports the improvement of humanitarian and human rights work in Turkey through localization. YSG advocates that humanitarian and human rights work should be done by building local capacity and strengthening the local.

It proposes durable and sustainable local solutions to improve the lives of vulnerable and disadvantaged groups and secure their fundamental rights and freedoms. It advocates for the strengthening and coordination of local organizations and supports the need for strong local stakeholders. It advocates for equal and strategic partnership arrangements instead of the subcontracting model, with the aim of working with United Nations agencies, international CSOs, and financial actors in a fair and equal relationship.

It advocates for more funding to flow to local organizations and affected communities in times of humanitarian crisis. The group, which came together in 2016 at the initiative of the Support to Life Association (Hayata Destek Derneği), was officially launched in 2020 with the participation of many local organizations. The group's secretariat is supported by the Civil Society Development Center (STGM) as part of the 'Capacity Building Center Project for Civil Society '.


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