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Social Change Advocacy and Policy Influencing Guide

The main focus of Social Change Advocacy and Policy Influencing Guide, which was prepared with the aims of improving the advocacy skills of CSOs and supporting the increase of their influence on public policies towards the purpose of contributing to social transformation, comprises of Advocacy and Policy Influencing Cycle that reflects on the steps of Project Management Cycle.
Author / Editor:
Sivil Toplum Kuruluşları için Teknik Destek- TACSO Bölge Ofisi Potoklinica 16, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Yayınlayan için:
Emina Abrahamsdotter
Bölge Eğitim Koordinatörü

Ger Roebeling, Jan de Vries (MDF Training and Consultancy, the Netherlands)

Šejla Dizdarević, diglTarija

The theoretical part of the five-section Social Change Advocacy and Policy Influencing Guide is supported by case studies and practical instruments. 

The titles under the guide are as follows; 

  • Section: Introduction to Advocacy and Policy Influencing
  • Section: Birth of Early Message
  • Section: Alliance Forming and Action Plan
  • Section: Implementation and Learning: Giving the Final Message
  • Toolkit
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December 2024