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CSOs and Civil Participation

In the CSOs and Civil Participation Booklet, which was prepared for the purpose of assisting civil society organizations in eliminating their capacity deficiencies regarding participation, detailed information are provided under topics such as the concept of civil participation, the reason why civil participation is important and decision making processes.
Author / Editor:
Sivil Toplum Kuruluşları için Teknik Destek TACSO Bölge Ofisi Potoklinica 16, Saraybosna, Bosna-Hersek

Emina Abrahamsdotter
Bölgesel Eğitim Koordinatörü

Simon Forrester, İrem Sunar (Eurasia Social Change Collective firması)

Šejla Dizdarević, digITarija
Publishing Date:

CSOs and Civil Participation Booklet includes also many case studies and presentations about good practices for supporting the concepts.
In the three-section CSOs and Civil Participation Booklet, the first section explains the concepts, general approaches, mechanisms and methods pertaining to civil participation. The second section discusses the local and national scale implementations of civil participation, while the last section provides a 'Toolkit' including checklists and example templates to be utilized for assisting civil participation.


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March 2025