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Civil Voices Festival 2009

Civil Voices Festival, which set forth for the purposes of getting together civil society organizations that carry out activities in different thematical fields throughout Turkey, strengthening the dialogue among civil society organizations and contributing to the dialogue atmosphere spreading to the society by way of civil society field, was first organized in 2009 as a subsidiary component of the project "Assisting the Development of Civil Society and Civil Dialogue in Turkey" that was carried out by STGM.
Author / Editor:
Sivil Toplum Geliştirme Merkezi Derneği

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In the two-day festival that was organized in Küçükçiftlik Park in İstanbul, near a hundred organizations that carry out rights-based activities on many fields ranging from children's rights to handicapped people's rights, from youth rights to refugee rights, and from women's rights to environment rights came together. 
The booklet includes information on the activities realised during the two-day festival and on the civil society organizations that attended the festival.

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December 2024