The Localization Advocacy Group is firmly committed to the fundamental principles of humanitarian aid and pursues a rights-based approach. It strives for the greatest benefit and impact with the least amount of hierarchy and rules. It endeavours to achieve the common goals it has set itself in solidarity and cooperation.
1) The LAG adheres to the fundamental principles of humanitarian aid.
- It is important that humanitarian aid respects human dignity and fundamental rights. Fundamental rights, including privacy, must not be violated for reasons such as urgency of needs or unfavourable conditions.
- “Do no harm to anyone” is the basic rule.
- For humanitarian aid to be implemented fairly and effectively, the humanitarian organization must develop an approach to ethics and responsibility.
- Humanitarian aid is implemented according to the principle of "providing benefit" in a needs-orientated manner, taking into account "the most disadvantaged groups".
- All forms of discrimination are prohibited and humanitarian assistance must not be provided in an exclusionary manner on the basis of political, religious or ideological preferences.
- “Leaving no one behind” is considered a strategic priority.
- Special measures are taken to ensure gender equality; support for various at-risk groups that do not conform to the mainstream is particularly guaranteed.
- The independence of humanitarian organizations is fundamental; they act impartially and objectively; they do not bow to political, commercial or military powers.
- The autonomy of humanitarian organizations is essential. They have the right to develop their own programmes within the framework of needs and possibilities.
2) The LAG takes a rights-based approach.
- It not only recognizes that the people to whom humanitarian aid is provided are in need, but above all accepts that they have rights. In this sense, the purpose of humanitarian aid is not to support those in need, but to protect and improve the human rights of all.
- Rights-based humanitarian assistance regards states and state-created non-state entities as institutions that have duties or obligations to fulfil the rights in question.
- It accepts that fundamental human rights form a universal and indivisible whole and makes no distinction between these rights.
- Participation is one of the most important elements of rights-based humanitarian action. The will of the groups working together is paramount at all stages, from the identification of needs to the development of solutions, from decision-making processes to the defence of one's rights.
- Transparency and accountability are prerequisites for rights-based humanitarian aid. The necessary measures are taken, in particular for access to information and community empowerment.
3) The LAG pursues the greatest benefit and impact with the fewest hierarchies and rules. The LAG achieves its common goals in solidarity and co-operation.
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