The event was jointly organized by LAG (consisting of 28 local organizations), the Refugee Council of Turkey (TMK), UN Development Program (UNDP), and UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR- which coordinates global efforts in the field of localization). National Reference Group (NRG) is mandated by the Grand Bargain 2.0 framework, as a key tool to move forward the localization agenda at the country level. In Turkiye, this process is being shaped and led by local actors. NRG in Turkiye is the first established group around the
world while the process is still ongoing in 15 countries.
Ninety-five stakeholders participated in the event including international stakeholders, a diverse group of CSOs in Turkiye, UN agencies, and networks bringing together refugee and host community organizations. In view of the Grand Bargain commitments, participants evaluated the NRG framework and how far we have come on localization efforts in Turkiye. NRG will announce a meeting in the coming days with the coordination of TMK and LAG.
You can find the report of the event titled "From Global to the National: Progressing Localization in Turkiye through the Launch of the National Reference Group" here.
You can find the Arabic translation of the report here.
You can find the Turkish translation of the report here.
What is Localization?
‘Localization’ as the solution for a more effective, efficient, and accountable humanitarian system was one of the primary outcomes of the World Humanitarian Summit that was convened in Istanbul in May 2016. LAG and TMK are actively working to advance the localization agenda in Turkiye. The efforts include research, documentation, and advocacy activities.