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Management of the Juvenile Justice System in Turkey

“Justice for Children: Towards a Paradigm Change” implemented between 1 December 2010 and 31 March 2012 with the participation of civil society organizations that are members of the Ankara Child Rights Platform and the financial support of the Royal Netherlands Embassy, ​​coordinated by the Joint Human Rights Platform (İHOP) and the International Children's Center (UÇM). Within the scope of the study titled “Management of the Juvenile Justice System in Turkey” research was published.
Publishing Date:
Children's Rights
Human Rights Joint Platform (İHOP)

“Justice for Children: Towards a Paradigm Change” implemented between 1 December 2010 and 31 March 2012 with the participation of civil society organizations that are members of the Ankara Child Rights Platform and the financial support of the Royal Netherlands Embassy, ​​coordinated by the Joint Human Rights Platform (İHOP) and the International Children's Center (UÇM). Within the scope of the study titled “Management of the Juvenile Justice System in Turkey” research was published.

In the research, he investigated how the rights of the child, which is included in the convention on the rights of the child, can be reflected in the child protection system as it manifests itself in the legal and political framework in Turkey, as well as in the attitudes and behaviors of the professionals interacting with children.

The results of three studies conducted in this context were published as a book with the title "Management of the Juvenile Justice System in Turkey". In addition, three policy documents on “Child-Friendly Justice”, “Best Interest of the Child in the Juvenile Justice System” and “Age Discrimination” and titled “Child-Friendly Justice”, “Age Discrimination” and “The Best Interest of the Child as a Right” in the light of the information gathered through research. Three brochures were prepared and shared with relevant non-governmental organizations and public administration.

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July 2024