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Being A Voice in Europe: A Guide for NGOs

The handbook of the European Union (EU) Civil Society Communication Group titled “Being Hearing Your Voice in Europe: A Guide for NGOs” has been published.
Civil Society Organization (CSO)
European Union (EU) Civil Society Communication Group

In the guide, which emphasized that the impact of the European project on daily life has increased significantly in the 50 years since the signing of the Treaty of Rome in 1957, it was shared that approximately 50 percent of the laws are of EU origin. In the guide; It was stated that the debates and controversies such as the immigration problem, the Service Directive, and the smoking ban proved that the EU inevitably became a decision-making area.

For example, in the guide, where many non-governmental organizations (NGOs) investigating the transformation and the impact of the EU on daily life, reshape their strategies by establishing departments in their own countries or under the same roof with sister organizations in Europe, NGOs are obligatory actors in discussions concerning Europe. It has been stated that it has become a very important and critical partner in policymaking and bringing citizens closer to the complicated EU mechanism.

Specially designed for new NGOs and activists in the process of forming a European strategy, the guide included tailored information on EU institutions and the way European NGOs work, as well as tips on lobbying with examples from EU-level campaigns.

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July 2024