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Şebeke Seni Brüksel'e çağırıyor!!

Şebeke is calling for Brussels ! !

Şebeke is calling for Brussels ! !

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Network: Youth and Participation Project (NETWORK) is project for young citizens’ participation in the decision making processes. The project objective is to strengthen capacities of nongovernmental organizations (CSO) and young citizens for improving participation level of civil society organizations in public debate and decision making processes, and for young citizens to have strengthened capacities for better civil dialogue and participation. Project funded by European Union.

In order to improve organizational capacities of CSO working on human rights based issues with young people and strengthen capacities of organized young citizens, NETWORK will produce and distribute necessary information on participation of young citizens.

Brussels Study Visit; as a part of Şebeke Project; will be organized in order to develop relations with the European Parliament, European Commission (related Commissioners) and umbrella organizations.

It is also aimed to empower the participants in the policy making and decision making processes by experiencing, observing and acquainting with experts on the place, face to face and on the job.

Brussels Study Visit will be organized between 10th and 17th of October 2013 with the participation of 10 representatives from Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs).

During the visit; various organizations including, European Parliament; Intergovernmental Institutions, European Commission, network and umbrella organizations will be visited in order to experience their working environment; their role in decision making mechanisms, their advocacy & lobbying strategies and networking structures.

If you are;
- Aged between 18 – 40,
- Have proficient written and speaking English, participant should be able to understand the meetings and communicate with
- Actively engaged with the right based NGOs (association, foundation, initiative, platfrom, student club etc.) as founder; member of the board, professional worker, volunteer etc.
- Candidated by the related NGO. Applicants should have commitment to transfer experiences during the visit to nominating NGO after Study Visit,
- Able to participate whole program between 10-17 October 2013.
You are invited to apply to Brussels Study Visit.

General Conditions:
- The program will be in English and there will not be any translations.
- The visit will be organized between 10-17 October 2013. It is obligatory to participate all the program without any exception.
- The travel, accommodation and food & beverages will be fully covered including visa & insurance costs. Participants will receive daily allowance for accommodation & food and beverages. All the participants should have their receipts summited to Şebeke Project as a proof of expenditures. Accommodation location will be arranged by Şebeke Project with various options.
- All Travels will be arranged by Şebeke and the traveling days also strictly certain. Departure will be on 10th of October and the arrival will be on 17th of October 2013.
- Costs regarding passport fee and governmental departure fee will not be covered by Şebeke but visa and insurance cost will be covered. It is important for the applicant's to have valid passport for at least six months during the visa applications. Due to the duration of the visa procedure; accepted applicants will have valid passport and be asked to send these passports to Sebeke Project Team on early September. Applicants who will be applying visa for the first time to Belgium Goverment; could be requested in person by the Embassy / Consulate. These applicants should consider this possibility and accept to be ready at Embassy / Consulate at requested date and time.
- Participants should have EURO bank account in their Personal Name written as formal identity. If you are unable / unwilling to open Euro bank account; please do not apply for the Study Visit; because according to European Union rules, allowances should only be given only by bank transfer to related person’s personal bank account.

Application & Selection Process:
In order to determine most related participants; there will be three leveled application & selection process:

A) Application form:
Applicants who want to participate the program should complete application form consisting below mentioned details:
- Personal Information
- Passport and Travel Details
- Nominating Organization
- Background Information / Motivation
- Article (We would kindly like you to write an article with at least 500 words about these questions):
What do you understand from citizenship and citizen’s participation? Do you think that non govermental organizations are important media for increasing citizen’s participation? Please justify your answers in detail.

What do you think about the role of the international institutions, organizations, NGOs, international networks, and their experiences on the participation? How the NGOs in Turkey can benefit from these experiences?

B) Recommandation Letter:
Applicants also should send recommendation letter from Nominating NGOs to [email protected] mail address since the Study Visit also aims to increase capacities of Nominating Organizations.

C) Skype / Face to Face or Phone Interview
Pre-Selected Applicants will be invited to Skype / Face to Face or Phone Interview in order to finalize selection procedure. The language of the interview will be in English.
Brussels Study Visit Applications will be received until 19 August 2013 17:00. Any applications received after that date will not be considered. The interview will be organized with pre-selected applicants after that date.
Results regarding selected participants will be announced on 30 August 2013. All the applicants will be informed via e-mail about their applications.

In order to complete the application; the below application form should be completed and sent to [email protected] with the recommendation letter from nominator organization until 19 August 2013.

İlgili Dosyalar:

  1. şebeke logo [JPG] [14.71K]
  2. Application Form [DOCX] [252.60K]
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