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Yokuş Yol'a

We are coming to Diyarbakır for storytelling for Power Stories

We are in Diyarbakır on Wednesday 3 July 2024 with the stories of our new narrators for our Power Stories meetings, which we set out with the question "Can we empower each other by listening and telling stories?". 

What will we listen to?

In the meeting titled "Yokuş Yol'a" we will listen to the story of the unrecorded traces of those who seek their roots in exile, nature and borders in storytelling. We will follow the traces of different lives from Çanakkale to Van, from Diyarbakır to Ankara. 

We are waiting for civil society workers, volunteers and those who are curious about the stories in civil society.

  • Date: 3 July 2024
  • Hours: 20.00 - 22.00
  • Venue: Diyarbakır DITAV  

* Our event is limited to 30 people as quota. Invitation will be sent to the first 30 people for participation.
* We will have refreshments at our event, but the road, food and accommodation belong to our participants.
* Our event is for adult participants. It is not suitable for child participation.

Whose stories will we listen to? 

  • Ruken Ay: She was born in a displaced family after forced displacement. She defines herself as a subaltern. She worked and continues to work independently on poscolonial feminism research in North Africa. She is working on confrontation with the past, memory politics, transitional justice and peace in Turkey. In Van, she is working on violence against women and women's memory-memory and women's participation in peace while recording oral history narratives.
  • Mustafa Alper Ülgen: Mustafa Alper Ülgen was born in Urfa, spent his childhood in Elazığ and Diyarbakır, but has always lived away from his land, worked in different geographies from Van to Aydın, and settled in Çanakkale when he put permaculture and ecology at the centre of his life. He is a farmer who produces ancestral seeds, local wheat varieties, a cook who works on local flavours, and an environmental activist who fights against mining plunder in the Kazdağları region.
  • Umut Şener: Editor, ecologist, life defender. He defines his life as "a place between truth and memory" and tries to protect it. He is a humble part and labourer of nature, a memory bearer, a collector and teller of oral and written stories who conveys the story of soil, seed, water and wind using the possibilities of literature.

What are Power Stories Meetings?

Power Stories is the name of our meetings where we tell and listen to each other our own stories. As civil society workers, volunteers and enthusiasts, we come together for storytelling. In "Power Stories", we listen to the real stories born in different channels of the civil sphere from the first person, think together with the stories of the narrators and talk about how we can move forward together on the challenging paths to change. 

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