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Developing Capacity of CSOs and Civil Networks for Further Development of Freedom of Association and Right to Participation

The EU-funded project entitled Developing Capacity of CSOs and Civil Networks for Further Development of Freedom of Association and Right to Participation, which is shortly called as "Right to Participation Project", was initiated in June, 2018 by Civil Society Development Center (STGM), Istanbul Bilgi University Center for Civil Society Studies (STÇM), and Capacity Development Association (KAGED) which collectively undertake the implementation part of the project.

The Project Leader and Final Beneficiary of the Project is Republic of Turkey, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Directorate for EU Affairs, whereas Republic of Turkey, Ministry of Treasury and Finance, Central Finance and Contracts Unit will serve as the Contracting Authority.

Within the context of Right to Participation Project, which aims to support participation of civil society organizations in political decision-making processes and to enhance freedom of association in practice, two different topics, namely "Freedom of Association" and "Right to Participation" are addressed.

Within the context of "Freedom of Association", STGM gets involved by organizing capacity building trainings for CSOs to provide effective use of right of association, and offering consultancy to support activities of CSOs addressing freedom of association and right to participation as well as supplying local CSOs with one-on-one organizational expertise by means of organizational coaching activities. 

On the other hand, STGM intends to conduct a research regarding the right to participation; prepare information notes and an information brochure; organize trainings on a range of topics including the right to participation, research-advocacy-participation and communication within the framework of training program on the right to participation; make reports on good international practices about more effective participation in decision-making processes upon study visits; organize local experience workshops to set the ground for exchange of experiences on participation by public institutions and CSOs in six provinces; and assemble a large-scale national exchange workshop in Ankara at the end of the project. 

Project Activities

Freedom of Association

  • Trainings on Freedom of Association (STGM): Capacity-building trainings will be organized for CSOs to promote the effective use of freedom of association.
  • Freedom of Association Participation Line (STGM): Provided that they get involved in activities related to participation, CSOs will be provided with counselling and supported in the scope of their activities regarding freedom of association and right to participation.
  • Organizational coaching activities (STGM): Within the context of Project, at least 4 local CSOs will be supplied with one-on-one organizational expertise support.
  • Mentoring Program (STÇM): Mentoring program will be executed by STÇM. After implementation of a mentor development program, mentors will provide support to CSOs.
  • Supporting Civil Networks (KAGED): KAGED will undertake the implementation of activities for supporting civil networks. In this respect, Human Rights Joint Platform, Human Rights Education, Refugee Rights Coordination and Network for Alliance against Impunity will be supported.
  • Monitoring Legal Setting in Freedom of Association (STGM): A working group will be built up in cooperation with Public sector for the purpose of monitoring freedom of association, creating monitoring indicators, and getting involved in monitoring and reporting with regard to freedom of association.
  • Research on Capacity/Limitations of Civil Society Organizations (STGM): An in-depth study will be conducted by using qualitative/quantitative methods about capacity/limitations of civil society organizations, and it will be made public.

Right to Participation

  • Research on Right to Participation (STGM): A research will be conducted with regard to right to participation, and hence both information notes and an information brochure will be prepared.
  • Right to Participation Program (STGM): Right to participation training program is composed of 3 topics as follows: Right to Participation; Research-Advocacy-Participation; Communication.
  • Supporting Activities of Civil Networks on Advocacy and Dialogue (KAGED): Activities shall be carried out to support advocacy and dialogue activities of civil networks.
  • International Study Visits (STGM): Upon reviewing on-site, good international practices will be reported. Both Public sector and CSOs will participate in study visits.
  • Local Experience Exchange Workshops (STGM): Local experience workshops will be organized to set the ground for exchange of experiences on participation by public institutions and CSOs in six provinces (except Ankara, Istanbul, Izmir).
  • National Experience Exchange Workshop (STGM): A large-scale national exchange workshop will be assembled in Ankara at the end of the project.

For further information:

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