40. Freedom of association is a complex right including civil, political and economic rights. Civil right component protects individual against extrajudicial intervention of the state for suppressing the will for assemblage with other individuals and getting associated. On the other hand, political right component assists individuals to protect their interests against the state or other individuals in a more organized and hence more effective way. Finally, economic right component enables individuals to improve their interests in labor/employment market especially by means of trade unions.
41. Since it incorporates these three components, freedom of association turns out to be a unique barometer functional for measuring the level of democracy and protection of human rights in a country."
Opinions of The European Commission for Democracy through Law (Venice Commission) are referred hereunto. Freedom of association is defined by the Commission as below within the context of evaluation of Azerbaijani legislation on civil society organizations in terms of compatibility with human rights standards: "39. Freedom of association is a human right which serves for assemblage of individuals, and sustaining, developing and protecting common interests of them.
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