
Civil Society Development Center (Sivil Toplum Geliştirme Merkezi Derneği - STGM) was founded in the year 2004 by a group of opinion leaders and activists who believed in the importance of civil society for the development of participatory democracy in our country.
Objectives of STGM include;
- aiming to help CSOs improve their efficiency through specific studies and actions designed to fill in their gaps in terms of information, financial means and assertiveness.
- carrying out actions to develop a civil society map and database, establish communication networks, supporting efforts to create national NGO platforms and working to encourage all forms of exchange of information and experience among CSOs.
- aiming to publicize the activities of civil organizations by using the mass media, to conduct lobbying activities so as to encourage initiative taking in social sphere and to empower civil initiatives by further raising social awareness.
- aiming to help CSOs improve their organizational, institutional, managerial, financial, and legal infrastructures as well communication and human resources capacity in order to encourage their participation in decision-making processes, develop their communication with the public, ensure their institutional development and sustainability, enable their involvement in international cooperation towards gaining and sharing new experiences, establish networks with each other and sustain such networks, and strengthen their institutional infrastructure.
- aiming to engage in cooperation with international organizations pursuing similar ends and join networks that may contribute to its functions.
- developing methods to ensure the efficient, fair and principled use of the supports to be extended to CSOs.
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