About the organization
Movies That Matter supports human rights themed films in Africa, Asia, the Middle East, and Eastern Europe, especially in countries where freedom of the press is limited, for the development of human rights cinema.
Priority Areas
With different types of support, the program can be used to fund various events such as human rights film festivals, LGBTI film festivals, and mobile cinema projects. The program does not support film production. Projects that are independent from Africa, Asia, the Middle East, and Eastern Europe and in cooperation with human rights organizations are supported.
About Application
There are two grant schemes: The Initial Grant provides 7,500 Euros of support. It can be applied twice.
The Impact Grant provides € 10,000 to support structured film festivals or to organize a new festival. The impact grant covers up to 50% of the project budget.
Applications are made in English by filling out the application form and sending it via email. Since the evaluation process takes two months, projects can start 80 days after the application.
For further information:
Website: https://www.moviesthatmatter.nl/

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