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Frequently Asked Questions

If you cannot find the answer to your question in the Frequently Asked Questions to STGM, please write to us.

Outcome Mapping (OM) focuses on changes in the behaviour of the people, groups and organizations influenced by a project or a programme. Like the logical framework, it is a planning methodology that has implications for how monitoring and evaluation is conducted. In other words, OM supports a project or a program to learn about its influence on the progression of change in their direct partners, and therefore helps those in the assessment process think more systematically and pragmatically about what they are doing and to adaptively manage variations in strategies to bring about desired outcomes.

OM is designed to be used at the beginning of a programme/project, after the main focus of that intervention has been decided. There are three key stages to plan an outcome map. They are;

  • Intentional Design: The planning stage, where a programme/project reaches consensus on the macro-level changes it wants to influence and the strategies to be used.
  • Outcome and Performance Monitoring: Provides a framework for the ongoing monitoring of the programme/project's actions and the boundary partners' progress towards the achievement of outcomes. It is based largely on systematized self-assessment.
  • Evaluation Planning: Helps the teams set priorities so they can target evaluation resources and activities where they will be most useful. At this stage, evaluation planning outlines the main elements of the evaluations to be conducted.

The process for identifying the macro-level changes and designing the monitoring framework and evaluation plan is intended to be participatory and, wherever feasible, can involve the full range of stakeholders, including boundary partners. Outcome Mapping is based on principles of participation and purposefully includes those implementing the program in the design and data collection so as to encourage ownership and use of findings.

For more information, please check out the resources below;

You can reach the list of associations in Turkey through the database of Directorate General for Relations with Civil Society, Ministry of Interior of Turkey or website.

Agreements are considered as a key mechanism of partnerships or collaborations, because their role is to govern interactions. They help partnerships to become more effective by allowing partners to cope with relational, performance and situational risks that characterize inter-organisational relationships. The Partnerships Resource Centre and The Partnering Initiative have developed a “Partnering Agreement Scorecard” based on insights from practice and grounded on theory. The tool will be beneficial for any organizations that contemplate setting up a new or reviewing an existing partnership. The tool can be reachable here. Also, “Partnership Agreements Insight Series” document on partnerships/collaborations agreements is available here.

STGM does not have any branch offices or representation offices outside of Ankara. However, STGM organizes various trainings and activities in all regions of Turkey. You may always reach us over the e-mail address at [email protected]

The Copy of the charter (statute) of the association is used for registration to the tax office, opening a bank account or establishing an economic enterprise. It is not necessary to submit the original copy of the charter (statute).

Guidelines on Developing a Communication Strategy, TACSO, 2016 will assist to for developing communication strategies and plans within the scope of EU supported projects.

There are several types of “Pre-Event Information Note” samples or templates which can be prepared in line with your needs and the context of the event. But you can find a sample here (in Turkish) and revise it in accordance with your requirements, if you want. 

Detailed information of all associations in Turkey can be found in the database of the Directorate General for Relations with Civil Society, searching by city, district and field of activity in Turkish. Additionally, information of associations in Turkey can also be reached at "Dernekara”, searching by location and field of activity.

We, as STGM, admit interns from the official internship programs of universities. If you are a student in a university, you may have the opportunity to do an internship at STGM by having your school contact us in the scope of their official internship program.

If the property is leased from a natural person, the withholding tax shall be paid to the tax office, pursuant to Article 94 of the Income Tax Law.  If the real estate is leased from a company, the withholding tax deduction shall not be applied, and the rent will be paid against the invoice.

PADOR (Potential Applicant Data On-Line Registration) is the online system in which organizations, who are potential applicants to calls for proposals, register and update regularly information about their profile (legal, financial, etc.).

For those who have not a PADOR registration yet, the informative videos are available under the title of “Videos for EU Supported Projects”  of STGM YouTube channel. Besides, PADOR User Manual V.2.2.3 can reachable here.

The name of your organization is one of the crucial components of your organizational identity. In addition to your logo, motto and organizational values, the name of the CSO is an important point that creates differences amongst other NGOs and lets people know about your mission.

The name of a CSO is advised to be striking and catchy and catchy and able to render the organization's mission to people in a concise manner.

There is no single formula for finding a name for the organization. For example, followings can be considered for giving a name to the organization;

  • Descriptive name,
  • Meaning based name,
  • Generic name,
  • Unique name,
  • Abbreviations.

Detailed information of all foundations  in Turkey can be found in the database of the Directorate General of Foundations, searching by city and district. Additionally, information on scholarship foundations in Turkey can also be reached in the database.

You may check out the “Announcements” section on our website regarding available volunteer programme. If there is an open for voluntary work programme at STGM, please  assess the requirements of the programme first and then make your application, if you wish.

The capacity development is the process through which individuals, organizations and societies obtain, strengthen and maintain the capabilities to set and achieve their own development objectives over time.1

1.Capacity Assessment Practice Note, UNDP. file:///Users/stgm/Downloads/capacity_assessment_-_undp_2008.pdf

As stated in the press release (in Turkish) of the General Directorate of Civil Society Relations, Ministry of Interior on 09.06.2020, the amendment made in the "Law of Associations" and published in the Official Gazette, dated on 26.03.2020 allows that all kinds of processes of associations can be made electronically.  In this context, the General Directorate of Civil Society Relations announced that "membership applications to associations" was put into service on the e-Government gateway in the message on its official Twitter account on 14 January 2022. The Twit and the short video in Turkish can be accessible here.

When a position is available at the STGM, we make an announcement on our website. Additionally, we also share vacancies of other organizations via our website, if they share them with us. Therefore, we recommend you to follow our website.

We wish you luck and success in your job search.

ECOSOC Civil Society Network

The Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) is one of the main bodies of the United Nations System. It consists of 54 United Nations Members elected by the General Assembly. The information regarding CSOs in the world can be reached at the ECOSOC Civil Society Network Database. In addition to the database, the web page of the network also offers areas to communicate with other civil society organizations, to reach the news about the civil society in the world, to reach good practices and success stories from the civil society, and to participate in forums on different topics.

Single Electronic Data Interchange Area (SEDIA) of EC

The European Commission works on an integrated, "one-stop-shop" web-based information management system, called “SEDIA (Single Electronic Data Interchange Area)” for all European Union (EU) instruments related to EC external actions and other EU bodies. Organizations that are registered in the system can access the information of other registered organizations around the world. By "Partner Search" facility of SEDIA, organizations which were previously registered in the PADOR can make a search. Please be informed that the SEDİA is still under development.

PADOR Database

PADOR (Potential Applicant Data On-Line Registration) is the online system in which organizations, who are potential applicants to calls for proposals, register and update regularly information about their profile (legal, financial, etc.). Through the online system, organizations can be searched by using the "Search Organization" tab in the user menu on the basis of country and organization name/keyword, and access the contact information. For those who have not a PADOR registration yet, the informative videos are available under the title of “Videos for EU Supported Projects”  of STGM YouTube channel. Besides, PADOR User Manual V.2.2.3 can reachable here.

Preview image for the video "PADOR Kaydı Nasıl Oluşturulur ? - PADOR'a Giriş (1/4)".

Review of EU Networks for Civil Society Organizations. TACSO, 2011. The book provides brief information about more than two hundred networks and platforms in the EU member states.

European Youth Portal

In this database prepared for young people's volunteering, internship, and job searches, can be searched the basis of the country and thematic field of activity and access brief introduction and contact information of organizations.

STGM organizes CSO-specific training or one-on-one activities with CSOs under the special programmes such as "Needs Based Training" or "Organizational Coaching" only. Please check out our website and follow up our e-bulletin to apply to open programmes of CSO-specific trainings or on-on-one activities.

You can contact  [email protected] for your further questions about our trainings 

A capacity assessment is an analysis of desired capacities against existing capacities which generates an understanding of capacity assets and needs that informs the formulation of a capacity development response. To support this process effectively requires identifying what key capacities already exist and what additional capacities may be needed to reach these objectives.