
As Civil Society Development Center (STGM), we make all the works of the NGOs in Turkey visible on our website in order to improve the visibility of civil society organizations and make their work reach wider segments of the society. You can send us your announcements and news that you want to be published on our website at

The publishings of "Am I guilty?" project

Eu and Turkey Work To Stop Violence Against Women

Right to Abortion Campaign Launched

In Turkey, Debating A Woman's Right To Bear Arms

“Promised Legal Reforms did not Occur in Turkey”

No Constitution Without Us Platform had a meeting with The Constitutional Reconciliation Commission

No Constitution Without Us Platform had a meeting with The Constitutional Reconciliation Commission

1 Million People Said "No!" in İzmir

Turkey In Top Five of RSF “Journalists in Jail” List!

The Mayor of Ankara, Melih Gökçek Openly Discriminates Against LGBT People!

4+4+4 Makes 20.7 Billion Liras at Least

Turkey Human Rights Institute Must be Autonomous

Invitation to a Panel on Free Speech

ECHR Upheld Decision on Roma Book and Dictionaries

Women Stake Their Claims on International Women's Day

Monster dam will swallow an area that meets nine out of 10 UNESCO criteria for World Heritage List