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Invitation to a Panel on Free Speech

Istanbul Policy Center and Hrant Dink Foundation cordially invite you to a panel discussion on:

Istanbul Policy Center and Hrant Dink Foundation cordially invite you to a panel discussion on:


with an introduction by Timothy Garton Ash (University of Oxford, The Guardian, and the Free Speech Debate) with the following panel on Limits to Free Speech

Kerem Öktem (University of Oxford)
Yasemin Inceoğlu (Galatasaray University)
Hasan Cemal (Milliyet)
Halil Berktay (Sabancı University)

Chaired by
Ayse Kadıoğlu (Istanbul Policy Center at Sabancı University)

Thursday, April 5, 2012, 17:00-19:30

Today, there are over 100 journalists, academics and opinion leaders who are behind the bars in Turkey on dubious terrorism charges and for simply doing their jobs according to Committee to Protect Journalists in New York. To shed light on some of these issues and offer a global perspective on the topic, IPC and the Hrant Dink Foundation are privileged and extremely fortunate to host the renowned academic and public intellectual Timothy Garton Ash and a distinguished panel of Turkish experts on the freedom of speech. The experts will discuss the constraints on freedom of expression in both Turkey and around the world and explore the means by which these impediments can be eliminated as well as legitimate limits to free speech. IPC Director Fuat Keyman will deliver the opening remarks.

This important and timely meeting will take place at IPC's Karaköy headquarters (located at Bankalar Caddesi No.2, Karaköy/Istanbul) on Thursday, April 5, 2012, from 17:00-19:30.

All RSVPs should go to Ms. Basak Göne at by Wednesday, April 4. The language of the event will be English. There will not be translation.
For more information, please visit

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