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Factsheet on E-Participation Platforms and Tools in the European Region is now available

The information note on e-participation platforms and tools in Europe, prepared within the scope of the ‘Freedom of Association Monitoring Project’ we are implementing with the support of the European Union, is now available. While developing information and communication technologies continue to strengthen the participation of civil society organisations and citizens in decision-making processes, the information note provides general information on e-participation platforms in Europe.

The factsheet is based on indices and resolutions developed by international organisations to understand and measure the concept of e-participation. The brief also defines e-participation based on the definitions used by the United Nations (UN), the Council of Europe (CoE), the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and the European Union (EU). 

In the information note, which can be handled in three main sections, definitions and conceptual framework, why e-participation is important and the role of digitalisation in this process are discussed. International indices, e-participation indices created by the UN, OECD and civil initiatives are also discussed in the information note. Successful examples of e-participation in Europe and the activities of the central government and municipalities in Turkey in this field were also evaluated in the information note. Suggestions for the development of e-participation processes were also presented in the research.

The fact sheet, which is a resource for CSOs, policy makers and researchers who want to understand the role of digital tools in democratic processes, provides important clues on the future of e-participation.

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