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Young People's Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights: Situation Analysis and Recommendations in Election Declarations

Young Approaches in Health Association examined the election declarations of the political parties that will participate in the elections before the 2023 Presidential Election and 28th Term Parliamentary General Elections.
Author / Editor:
Project coordinators and report preparers
Ali Aliyev
Beste Acavit
Boran Mergen
Pelin Anılan
Publishing Date:
Sexual Health
Young Approaches in Health Association

In the report, the election manifestos of political parties participating in the elections were evaluated under the headings of access to sexual and reproductive health services and inclusion of comprehensive sexuality education in the curriculum, as well as international conventions to which Turkey is a party and signatory, and existing laws. 

The report found that the needs of young people in terms of access to sexual and reproductive health services were included in election manifestos, but political parties did not prioritize these issues in their election manifestos in sufficient scope and proportion. It was also stated that insufficient steps were taken to include comprehensive sexuality education in the curriculum.


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March 2025