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Volunteering in Turkey: Experiences, Limitations and New Expansions

In the book named "Volunteering in Turkey: Experiences, Limitations and New Expansions", assessments regarding the legal status of volunteering in Turkey, expectations, motivations, and working conditions of volunteers take place. Based on the results of "Volunteering Research in Turkey" carried out in 2019, problems about volunteering and solutions for the problems are focused.
Author / Editor:
Prof. Emre Erdoğan
Prof. Pınar Uyan-Semerci
Prof. Nurhan Yentürk
Prof. Kübra Doğan-Yenisey,
Dr. Ayşe Beyazova
Gözde Durmuş
Laden Yurttagüler
Publishing Date:
Istanbul Bilgi University

Due to a lack of legal definition of volunteerism in Turkey, in the study emphasizing the regulation of rights and responsibilities of volunteer is left to the organization, discussing the topics should be covered with a possible legal regulation with a comparative perspective with EU countries.

The study focuses on volunteers working in the field of youth and children and addresses the ethical limits of the relationship between the volunteer and the non-governmental organization. Again, in the book, it is emphasized that volunteering does not automatically mean active citizenship and civic participation, and also underlined that CSOs should organize their relations with volunteers in a way that encourages participation.


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March 2025