Different researchers from Turkey published their studies on thermal power plants. Studies are consisting of researches and analyses made in the Thermal Power Plant regions in Muğla Yatağan, Çayırhan, Şırnak Silopi.
In Muğla-Yatağan Thermal Power Plant research, the effects of emissions on heavy metal contents of agricultural and forest soils around the power plant were investigated. For this purpose, in the study where different experts came together; 27 soil and 41 plant samples were collected from 721 m to 15 km distance from the power plant, in the prevailing wind direction, and other directions.
In the Çayırhan research, the effects of the Çayırhan Thermal Power Plant's flue gas emissions on the surrounding soils were investigated. For this purpose, considering that the emissions will move in the direction of the prevailing wind, 20 of the agricultural areas in the southeast direction, 7 samples from the northeast direction to Beypazarı district to be accepted as the power plant, and 3 soil samples from the northwest direction, which is the opposite of the dominant wind direction 0-20 taken at a depth of cm.
The EIA Report of the Şırnak-Silopi Thermal Power Plant, the Asphaltite Field Providing Fuel to the Plant, and the Capacity Increase of the Limestone Fields Project is also included within the scope of the studies.

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