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Survey on the political preferences of young people in 2024

The Youth Organizations Forum (GoFor) has published the report "Political Preferences of Youth Survey 2024". The second survey was conducted with young people aged 18-30 across Türkiye.
Author / Editor:
Field research: KONDA Research and Consultancy
Publishing Date:
Youth Organizations Forum (GoFor)

The study examines in depth the political preferences and attitudes of young people on various issues, such as their voting tendencies, their attitudes towards organizations, their attitudes towards social change, their identity relations, their views on youth and the problems they face at the socio-economic level.

Key findings of the study include:

  • A significant proportion of young people reported being undecided or preferring not to vote in the next election.
  • Although the CHP stands out among young voters, Zafer Partisi seems to have a remarkable popularity among young people.
  • Young people prefer official channels and social media channels to achieve social change. However, the approach of bringing about change directly themselves is less popular.
  • The majority of young people define themselves as Atatürkçü, nationalists or conservatives.
  • It seems that young people are generally distanced from LGBTI+ rights and immigrants.
  • Young people see the obstacles to women's participation in politics in the patriarchal social structure and the lack of opportunities for women.
  • A significant proportion of young people in Turkey believe that freedoms should not be restricted in favor of security in the course of work on the new constitution.
  • Young people find most of the political parties' speeches about youth insincere; no political party stands out for young people on this issue.
  • Economic problems are among the biggest problems facing young people in Turkey. This affects their social life, savings, mental health and education.
  • Young people see economic problems as the main reason for youth suicides.
  • To solve youth unemployment, young people suggest improving education and promoting business start-ups.
  • The majority of NEET youth are young women, but they do not differ from other youth groups in their political preferences.

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March 2025