This report, which examines children's right to play in Suriçi, consists of four main sections. In the first part, the methodology of the research is included. In this chapter; Information such as the methods used in the research, sample selection, limitations, data analysis techniques are included. In the second part, the theoretical framework of the research is included. In the context of children's rights, the framework of the right to play, the implementation processes in Turkey, and examples from the world are included. The strategic plans and activity reports of the Sur Municipality, to which the Suriçi region, which is the sample of the study, is affiliated, and the indicators determined in the context of children's rights; children's playgrounds, cultural, educational and social activities of children are examined. In another sub-title of the same section, urban transformation processes carried out between 2010-2020, urban development plan; A comparison of the total green areas in Suriçi is made according to the legislation. In addition, the effects of demolished structures on children's playgrounds after the armed conflicts between 2015-2016 are discussed. Again, the parks in Suriçi determine the qualities of the playgrounds with the indicators we created inspired by the Turkish Standards Institute (TSE)'s standards titled "Playground Elements and Ground Arrangements". In the third part; The data we obtained from the questionnaire and interview forms we prepared in line with our research problems are interpreted through graphs and interviews. In the last part; Based on the findings obtained from field studies, suggestions are offered to all actors within the scope of the right to play.

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