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Religion or Belief Based Hate Crimes in Turkey 2020 Report

Freedom of Belief Initiative, as a human rights project carried out by the Norwegian Helsinki Committee with the support of the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, continues its activities in the field of freedom of thought, religion, or belief since 2013. As part of the monitoring activities carried out by the project, the "Religion and Belief-Based Hate Crimes in Turkey 2020" report, which was prepared to prevent hate crimes committed with a religious or belief-based motive, and to prevent impunity for hate crimes, was published. In the report, Turkey's policy on hate crimes and the data obtained from the monitoring study on religion or belief-based hate crimes in Turkey in 2020 are analyzed based on international human rights standards.
Author / Editor:
Dr. Mine Yildirim and Funda Tekin
Publishing Date:
Freedom of Belief
Human Rights
Norwegian Helsinki Committee Freedom of Belief Initiative

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March 2025