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EC Disability Inclusion Toolkit: Guidance Note and Technical Briefs

These guidance notes support EU external cooperation staff and partners in integrating the rights of persons with disabilities across their work, including in policy, programming and implementation of actions. These documents are aligned with the human rights-based approach (HRBA) of the EU and its toolbox. They contribute to implement the EU’s action plan on human rights and democracy.
Publishing Date:
Disability Rights
  •  "Guidance Note: Leaving No One Behind: Disability Inclusion in EU External Action" provides tools and methods for implementing disability inclusion throughout international cooperation.
  • "Technical brief: Disability Inclusion, Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment" provides short guidance on how to take a disability inclusive approach to gender equality and women’s empowerment to support the work of the European Union in creating a gender equal world.
  • "Technical brief: Disability Inclusion and Climate priorities" provides short guidance on how to take a disability inclusive approach to climate adaptations, green economy and sustainable cities.
  • "Technical Brief: Disability-Inclusive Social Protection" presents recent evidence on social protection for persons with disabilities and suggests ways to increase coverage and provide them with equal opportunities. Please note that the brief does not cover health or public health interventions, education, or employment programmes, which are part of the wider social protection floor.

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March 2025