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Access to EBA Platforms of Visually-Impaired Teachers

Accessible Life Academy For All Association (HEY Academy) prepared a report on the ‘Access to EBA Platforms for Visually-Impaired Teachers within the scope of the ‘Right to Participation Project Organizational Coaching Program’ which have been implemented with the financial support of EU.
Author / Editor:
Doç. Dr. Hulusi ALP
Öğr. Gör. Sinan Tarkan ASLAN
Uzman İsmail ÇEVİKBAŞ
Publishing Date:
Disability Rights
Accessible Life Academy For All Association (HEY Academy)

HEY Academy has conducted a survey with the participation of 504 visually-impaired teachers between July 2020 and August 2020 within the research of ‘Accessibility to EBA Platforms of Vısually-Impaired Teachers’.

The Education Informatics Network (EBA), which started as of March 2020, identified accessibility problems at the EBA system with the study conducted to identify accessibility problems in live lesson applications and to develop solutions for these identified problems.

It was noted in the report that EBA is not accessible to visually impaired teachers. This report which states that there are teachers who cannot possibly enter the EBA system also includes the information of the Ministry of National Education has delivered a printed, audio, visual or electronic guide on the use of EBA to a very small group of visually impaired teachers.


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March 2025