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404 - Advocacy

About the Training

As civil society organizations, we always set out with a desire for change. We have issues for ourselves and we bring them up in an organized way. In this direction, we conduct research and publish reports. Sometimes, on the basis of these efforts, we demand policy and law changes in favor of disadvantaged or vulnerable groups, or we show the will to contribute to the more effective implementation or improvement of existing laws and policies.

In its general definition, advocacy is "an attempt to influence any public policy for a common interest". The 404-Advocacy course is designed for organizations and activists who want to learn the essential principles of advocacy and what points should be considered in advocacy work. In addition, this course includes advice on different forms, methods and tools of advocacy, and tips for effective advocacy.

What Will You Learn?
  • The basic principles on which advocacy is based and the different forms of advocacy,
  • The importance of evidence-based advocacy for non-governmental organizations and that scientific research should be based on ethical principles,
  • What legislative advocacy is and how it can be carried out
  • Tips on how to engage with decision makers,
  • You will learn why we need to create a policy document for advocacy work and what to consider when writing a policy proposal.
How Much Time Should You Spare?

All it takes is 3 days for the "404 - Advocacy" course to be held face-to-face. This face-to-face training will take place between 15-16-17 March 2023.

If you have decided to participate in “404 - Advocacy” online only, good news! There is no set start and end date. You can start at the time you set and finish at the pace you set. Our recommendation to you is to spare 1 hour a day and complete the whole program in 2 days. 404 - Video content in advocacy takes 1 hour, reading materials take 1 hour. So the total duration of all content is 2 hours.

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Education Details
Hayriye Ataş
Hayriye Ataş

She studied BA at Ankara University, Department of American Culture and Literature, and MA at Istanbul Bilgi University. She graduated from CIFE Institute of International Relations and European Studies.

She started her career at the United Nations Development Programme. She then worked in local governance, development and democratisation projects implemented by various ministries and international institutions with funding from the European Union, conducting studies in nearly 60 provinces of Turkey. In particular, she has been actively involved in the processes of strengthening the capacity of municipal governments, civil society-public cooperation and civil society participation. She has been working professionally in the field of civil society since 2016 and since 2019 she has been working as the Director General of Balance and Supervision Network. Active member of numerous civil society organisations and formations, as well as PADI Advanced Diver.

Hakan Ataman
Hakan Ataman

Hakan Ataman, who graduated from Ege University's Faculty of Philosophy, has been actively working in rights-oriented civil society organisations for almost 25 years. Hakan Ataman, one of the founding members of the of Amnesty International Turkey, worked as a project coordinator at the Helsinki Citizens' Assembly between 2012and 2018. He was a member and representative of the association.

Hakan Ataman has spent time working on human rights advocacy in the United States as part of the 2015 Human Rights Defenders Programme at the New York-based Columbia University Human Rights Studies Institute.

Şerif Onur Bahçecik
Şerif Onur Bahçecik

Şerif Onur Bahçecik works as a faculty member in the Department of International Relations at METU. He is concerned with human rights, international organizations and the role of civil society organizations in world politics. His works on these topics have been published in various national and international journals and publishers.

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March 2025