The grant initiative is committed to improve the state of biodiversity in developing countries by providing financial support for nature conservation projects led by French and DC civil society organisations. The programme will support alliance strategies and the development of equitable and mutually supportive partnerships to meet the challenges of biodiversity in the South. Within this framework, the CSOs supported through the grant initiative will also benefit from organisational and technical support as well as the strengthening of their partnerships, thereby increasing their added value and the sustainability of their actions. This approach aims to increase the capacity of biodiversity CSOs to act in favour of international cooperation to respond to local and global biodiversity issues, while targeting the objectives defined in the GBF and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Eligible themes for project financing will include actions of:
Biodiversity conservation and/or
Nature-based Solutions (NbS) that specifically target the challenges of climate change adaptation and mitigation.
Projects must also contribute to improve living conditions for local populations.
* "Projects must be carried out in a country eligible for official development assistance (ODA) according to the OECD DAC list (with a priority given to the African continent) and led by civil society partnerships. These partnerships must include a French civil society organization (CSO) and a local CSO registered in a developing country."
** Beside above mentioned criteria, for the applications to be made from Turkey, please contact with the funding institution to ensure the geogpraphical eligibility of Turkey.
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