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İstanbulda yapılan p2p etkinliğinden toplu resim pankartta birlikte logosu var birlikte değiştirelim  yazıyor

BİRLİKTE Participants came together with CSOs from Ireland in Istanbul

BİRLİKTE Corporate Support Programme participants came together in Istanbul on 23-26 January 2024 as part of the Learning Community (BİRLİKTE HUB) activities. Representatives from the Irish project partner The Wheel attended the meeting we organised within the scope of our BİRLİKTE Programme supported by the European Union.

In the first thematic meeting of BİRLİKTE HUB, civil society organisations working in different fields in Ireland shared their experiences. Gay Project, which carries out awareness, solidarity and psycho-social support activities in the field of LGBTI, Women's Collective, which brings together local women's organisations in Ireland under the roof of a network, Alienated Children First, which works in the field of children's rights, Land Use, Tenure and Agrarian Reform, which works to empower women in rural areas, and GOSHH Ireland, which provides information, counselling and training on HIV/AIDS, attended the meeting.

masa etr

The guests from Ireland had the opportunity to visit BİRLİKTE organisations working in a similar field in their offices. 3 groups of BİRLİKTE organisations, Hevi LGBTI Association, Positive Living Association, Social Policy, Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation Studies Association, Ali İsmail Korkmaz Foundation, Civil Society in the Penal Execution System Association and Buğday Association hosted the visits.

Hevide toplu resim

Within the scope of gender mainstreaming, policy documents of BİRLİKTE participating organisations and mechanisms to prevent intra-organisational violence were discussed and experiences were shared.

toplantı salonundan görüntü

Non-Violence Education and Research Association, LGBTI Association for Rights, Equality and Existence, Aramızda Association and Young LGBTI Youth Studies and Solidarity Association talked about their policy preparation processes, on which need they decided to prepare a gender equality document, how the preparation process went and what they did to make the document concrete.

Mechanisms to prevent violence within organisations were discussed together with the Women's Solidarity Foundation and the Human Rights Association. In this session, information was given about the decision to establish a mechanism to prevent intra-organisational violence, the design and preparation processes of the mechanism, and the functioning processes of the mechanism.

Intersectionality was also discussed in the meeting. In the session where organisations evaluated how inclusive they are in their policies and practices, the issue of intersectionality was discussed with a focus on accessibility, youth, children, gender and environment. In this session, Social Policy, Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation Studies Association, Young LGBTI Youth Studies and Solidarity Association, International Children's Centre Association, Association for the Visually Impaired in Education and Buğday Association shared their experiences.

On the last day of the meeting, organisations' questions on finance and grants were answered. The Gender Equality Mainstreaming Working Group (GEMI) held its first face-to-face meeting. In this meeting, GEMI worked on the gender equality questions in the BİRLİKTE self-assessment tool and revised the questions.

İstanbulda yapılan p2p etkinliğinden toplu resim pankartta birlikte logosu var birlikte değiştirelim  yazıyor
İstanbulda yapılan p2p etkinliğinden toplu resim pankartta birlikte logosu var birlikte değiştirelim  yazıyor
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