
Are you ready to participate in the European Opportunities and Youth Support Mechanisms Camp in Mersin, where the Civil Life Association, which continues its activities in 21 different cities in Turkey, is one of the coordinators?
Here are the details of the camp that will be held in Mersin from September 23 to 26. The coordination and cooperation is provided by the EU and External Relations Office of the Governor of Mersin, the Provincial Directorate of Youth and Sports of Şanlıurfa and the Civil Life Association (SİYAMDER), which are the contact points of Eurodesk Turkey.
- The camp is limited to 90 people.
- In order for your application to be evaluated, you must be between 18 and 30 years old at the time of application.
- The camp will be organized for male participants only. The date for the camp for female participants will be announced in the future.
- The camp will last 3 nights. The cost of accommodation and meals for the participants will be covered by the organizers.
- Participation is open to young people from all provinces. Transportation costs for participants from outside Mersin will not be covered.
If you would like to receive detailed information about the European Opportunities and Support Mechanisms Camp for Youth and participate, you can access the registration link and apply.
Application deadline: 14.09.2022
To apply:
İlgili Eğitim