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Workshops on combating digital violence for teachers from the Alternative Informatics Association

Alternatif Bilişim Derneği will organize two workshops for teachers of psychological counseling and social studies in Ankara and Adana in May to raise social awareness in the field of digital violence.

The workshops on combating digital violence aim to help educators find solutions to the problems they may encounter in combating digital violence.

The workshops will provide information and experiences on the definition and types of digital violence, the symptoms and effects of digital violence, ways to combat digital violence, the legal dimension of digital violence, teaching strategies to prevent digital violence and ways to support students.

The trainers of the workshops on digital violence are the president of the Alternatif Bilişim Derneği Faruk Çayır, the association members Prof. Dr. Zeynep Özarslan and Assoc. Dr. Gülüm Şener, Nurcihan Temur, one of the authors of the guide on combating sexist digital violence.

  • Participation in the workshops is free of charge.
  • The quota for each workshop is 40 people.
  • The workshop is only open to psychological counseling or social studies teachers.
  • To participate in the workshops, you can fill out the form by clicking on the link.
  • For more information

Workshop on combating digital violence 1

Date and location: May 4, 2024, 10.00-15.00, Goethe-Institut Ankara

Participants: Prof. Dr. Zeynep Özarslan, Assoc. Dr. Gülüm Şener, Lawyer Faruk Çayır

Workshop on combating digital violence 2

Date and place: May 25, 2024, 10.00-15.00, Adana, Hukukçular Derneği

Participants: Prof. Dr. Zeynep Özarslan, Nurcihan Temur

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