The video series, consisting of Rights-Based Journalism, News Photography, LGBTI+ Focused Journalism and Freedom of Expression, also has trainings notes.
Journalist Nazan Özcan in the Rights-Based Journalism training video, photographer-author Özcan Yurdalan in the News Photography training video, KaosGL editor Yıldız Tar in the LGBTI+ Focused Journalism training video, Media Observation Reporter-Reporters Without Borders (RSF) Turkey Representative Erol Önderoğlu in the Freedom of Expression training video is located as.
You can access the trilingual (Turkish, Kurdish and English) videos on
About Workshop BIA
Atelier BIA is a platform run by the IPS Communication Foundation/bianet that organizes workshops for journalists, unemployed journalists, communication faculty students, and anyone who wants to do journalism in order to promote rights-based journalism.