In light of our knowledge and experience, the workshop will focus on financial legislation and practices for civil society organizations and, in addition to professional experts such as financial experts, accountants or financial advisors, it aims to improve the knowledge and awareness of civil society actors such as association staff, managers, association board members (such as the treasurer) and the association president about the responsibilities and applications.
What topics will we talk about?
- Points to consider when registering members in associations
- Obligatory financial books, accounting principles and permits
- An overview of the tax obligations of associations
- General meeting process and procedures to follow
- Financial management in associations
- Legal requirements to be fulfilled by associations and declarations and forms to be submitted
- Information on procurement and assistance abroad, the forms to be filled in and the tax aspects of such assistance
- Donations and aid, Law No. 2860 on the Collection of Aid, Overview of the Regulation on the Principles and Procedures of the Collection of Aid (Official Newspaper of 27.12.1999 and number: 23919)
How can you participate?
Representatives of CSOs wishing to participate in the workshop must complete the participant form no later than Thursday, December 22, 2022, 13:00.
Detailed information about the location, address, time and program of the workshop will be sent to the e-mail address indicated in the participant form at least one day before the workshop. The language of the workshop is Turkish and no translation service into any other language will be provided.
The cost of transportation and accommodation within the city or between cities to attend the workshop is the responsibility of the participants.
If you have any questions about the workshop, you can contact us through the e-mail address bilgimerkezi@stgm.org.tr