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We continue the activities of School on Participatory Democracy: We have collaborated with CSOs in Izmir for the Civil Participation Toolkit

As part of our European Union supported Monitoring Freedom of Association project, we organized the first of the activities hosted by the Izmir Metropolitan Municipality as a continuation of the School on Participatory Democracy we organized in October with the aim of strengthening citizen participation in local decision-making processes in cooperation with the Council of Europe.

In the study we organized on 6-7 December 2023 with the participation of a group of 17 experts from Izmir Metropolitan Municipality and Gaziemir Municipality, we focused on the application of the "Civil Participation Toolkit", one of the Participatory Democracy Tools of the Council of Europe. This study also made an important contribution to adapting the "Civil Participation Toolkit", which we translated into Turkish, to Turkish conditions.

Experts from the Argüden Governance Academy, one of the partners of the School on Participatory Democracy, Association for Monitoring Equal Rights, the Vote and Beyond Association, the Bursa Metropolitan Municipality, the Istanbul City Council, Association for Sharing Society and the Social Climate Association were also present at this meeting, which we held together with TÜSEV, our implementation partner in the freedom of association monitoring project. 

What is a civil participation toolkit?

The Civic Participation Tool was developed for the Council of Europe by the Institute of International Sociology (ISIG) based in Gorizia (Italy). Developed in 2017, the toolkit was updated in 2020. The Civil ParticipationToolkit provides an integrated framework to help local governments develop and implement strategies to increase civil engagement based on the context of a community.

sivil katılım aracı eğitimi
sivil katılım aracı eğitimi
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