What are the Civic Space Talks?
In line with the self-assessment results of the BİRLİKTE organizations, the guidance of the mentors and the feedback of the organizations, the topic of "Human Resource Management in the Civic Space" is discussed in depth in these conversations.
The workshop series, in which we collaborated with Alper Akyüz, who has a PhD. on civic space labor, was designed according to Alain Touraine's sociological intervention method. According to this method, the content and scope of the discussions are determined by the comments of the participants. Experts are invited to each workshop to contribute their experience on the topic under discussion. The final text, which is produced on the basis of the workshop results, also takes its final form through the contributions of the participants.
What have we talked about so far?
We held the first Civic Space Talks workshop on December 28, 2023 with 21 participants. In this workshop, Alper Akyüz designed a conceptual framework on this topic. Subsequently, group studies were conducted on current issues related to workers' rights and human resource management in CSOs. The results of this discussion determined the content of the subsequent workshops.
The topics that emerged from this first meeting were human resource management, the rights and duties of employees in the civic space and the welfare of employees in times of crisis.
We held the second workshop on human resource management on March 5, 2024 with 41 participants. In this meeting, Sermin Kağan and Senem Güner shared their experiences about the basic elements of human resources management and their differences in the civic space. Afterwards, a group discussion was held on the establishment of human resource management systems that respect workers' rights in CSOs.
What will we talk about in the coming days?
The third workshop will take place on April 16, 2024. In this session, we will focus on the rights, responsibilities and welfare of employees working in the civic space. We will discuss the results of research on this topic with Eylül Açıkkol from Universus Center for Social Research and Cihan Hüroğlu, member of Sosyal-İş Union.