Representatives from civil society organizations (CSOs) who wish to be part of the structure where local-level government, civil society, private sector, and academia representatives come together can apply until August 7, 2023.
To participate: https://form.jotform.com/231993794144972
About the Civil Engagement Project
The project, which started its implementation in January 2023, aims to strengthen civil engagement and voluntarism for democratic local governance in Turkey. The project aims to increase the participation of civil society organizations in decision-making mechanisms, enhance trust and mutual understanding in civil society-government cooperation, and contribute to the creation of an enabling and sustainable environment for voluntarism.
The main beneficiary of the project is the Union of Turkish Municipalities (TBB), and it is co-implemented by the Ministry of Interior Directorate General for Relations with Civil Society (STİGM), with financing from the European Union. The project "Strengthening Civil Engagement for Democratic Local Governance in Turkey" (Civil Engagement Project) is being carried out by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). The Directorate for EU Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as the leading institution for the IPA-II Civil Society Sector, is responsible for the effective implementation and monitoring of the project.