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Turkish Cerebrovascular Diseases Society organizes health literacy seminars at schools in Ankara and Eskişehir

As part of the project implemented by the Turkish Cerebrovascular Diseases Association, seminars were held in Ankara and Eskişehir to raise awareness of health literacy and stroke at the societal level.

"Growing Leaders of Tomorrow Already!", implemented with the support of EU Civil Think With the project, more than a thousand middle and high school students were informed about health advocacy.

A questionnaire study was conducted with the students before and after the seminar, and statistical indicators of change were identified. While the percentage of students who knew about stroke before the presentation was 34%, it was observed that the percentage who understood the symptoms of stroke and the intervention increased from 13% to 86% at the end of the presentation. In addition, students were informed about civil society activities, volunteerism, the importance of advocacy, and the studies and partnerships of the Turkish Cerebrovascular Diseases Society in this context. Future plans are to disseminate the project is planned to be disseminated through institutional collaborations and to implement it throughout Turkey.

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