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Toplum Temelli Yerel İnisiyatifler Projesi (CLIP 2) Başvuruları Başladı

CLIP 2 is a multi-donor funded programme that supports community-based local initiatives in relatively underserved regions of Turkey.


It aims to provide holistic and need-based services to refugees and disadvantaged and vulnerable members of host community in Turkey.

The programme is based on lessons learned from the Turkey Local Initiative Fund (LIFT), in which GIZ provided financial and technical support to local CSOs in the different regions of Turkey between 2019-2022.

Based on lessons learned of the implementation of LIFT, GIZ will support local initiatives and CSOs to improve services to vulnerable target groups. Implementing partner within the scope of the CLIP 2 are expected to provide services in four areas:

  • Protection and specialized support services for refugees and vulnerable members of the host community, -Provision of services in the area of non-formal education,
  • Providing services to improve intercultural and social cohesion,
  • Strengthening capacity, including cooperation and referral structures with other public and civil actors, for the delivery of quality and holistic social services.

Informational meeting for Call for proposal in Turkish: September 16, 2022.

Informational meeting for Call for proposal in English: September 20, 2022

Applicant organizations should send their completed applications to by October 5, 2022.

The application guide is here.

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