You can watch the live broadcast of the closing event that will take place on 12th November, Thursday, with the participation of Andre Etienne Lys, Director of Financial Cooperation of European Delegation to Turkey, on our Facebook and Youtube channels.
Within BIRLIKTE, the program which aims the change together and was prepared based upon works of need recognition and capacity building supports for local civil society organizations, one-to-one works had been done for two years with 42 organizations that carry out works in different fields in 18 cities in Turkey.

BIRLIKTE: Local CSOs Institutional Support Program is an all-inclusive support program for two years which is applied by STGM since 2004 for CSOs, designed upon grant programmes, capacity building supports and need assessment studies and including mentorship elements for both institutional grants and institutional development for CSOs.
BIRLIKTE Support Program is conducted as a sub-grant application in scope of "Strategical Capacity Building for Local CSOs" grant project, supported by EU and performed by STGM. BIRLIKTE: Local CSOs Institutional Support Program focuses on investing the existence and strengthening, contributing to their capacity on creating change, and supporting using cash resources created with limited facilities in the most effective and fruitful way.