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Together Against Discrimination: Research Grants for Equality and Anti-Discrimination - Netherlands Helsinki Committee

The Netherlands Helsinki Committee and the Association for Monitoring Equal Rights (AMER) are launching a call for proposals within the EU funded project “Together against discrimination: Building a civil society coalition to improve access to justice for victims of discrimination”.

The Research Grant Program for equality and anti-discrimination has a primary focus on non-discrimination, not only looking at specific groups who are experiencing discrimination but also looking at how the response to discrimination in general can be improved. Research grants will be allocated through this open call for proposals and additionally a small travel budget to present papers at the international or national conference will be provided if the research result is approved by the selection committee based on the researcher applications. Simultaneously, a grant program is running for CSOs; through this coordinated approach targeting academia, bar-associations and CSOs, advocacy towards the NHRIs become better informed and more effective, which will increase pressure on these institutions for better functioning.

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