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Funda Küçükcan Yılmaz

Role in STGM:
Department / Project:
Supporting the Capacity of Civil Society Organisations in Disaster Risk Management
Grant Expert

She earned her undergraduate and graduate degree from Middle East Technical University, Department of Political Science and Public Administration. During her university years, she started to work with civil society organizations through her activities with student clubs and societies. During her employment in GAP Regional Development Administration, she carried out works on participation of civil society organizations in regional development programs. Between 2005 and 2010, she worked as the Grants Manager at Civil Society Development Center,
(STGM) responsible for the design and implementation of grant programs.

After that until 2013, she worked as the regional coordinator of EU supported Empowerment of Women NGOs Project in Southeastern Anatolia Region. Between 2013 and 2015, she worked as the Grant Programs Manager at the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) Turkey Office.

Between 2015 and 2020, she worked as an expert in areas such as the design and implementation of grant programs, civil society mapping, capacity building, grant monitoring, assessment and evaluation in many programs and projects carried out in the fields of civil society and gender by UN organizations such as UNICEF, ILO and various international organizations, especially migration organizations such as ICMPD and IMC.

In 2019, she served as the Key Civil Society Expert within the scope of the framework contract implemented by the European Union Delegation to Turkey to provide support mechanisms for the implementation of civil society programs.

She worked as the project coordinator in the Strengthening the Capacity of CSOs in the Field of Prevention of Child, Early and Forced Marriages Project carried out in partnership with STGM-UNFPA between 2020-2021.

She has been working as the Grant Expert in Supporting the Capacity of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in Disaster Risk Management Project at STGM since June 2024.
