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Tadamon Kitle Fonlama Akademisi

TADAMON Crowdfunding Academy Applications Started

Applications for the Tadamon Crowdfunding Academy, designed to strengthen the skills and capacities of civil society organizations and support CSOs in preparing and running a successful crowdfunding campaign for their projects, are now open.

Tadamon Crowdfunding Academy will provide training and mentoring support on capacity building, resource mobilization, increased visibility, networking and community development. 

You can use this link to get detailed information about Tadamon Crowdfunding Academy. The deadline for project ideas is September 15, 2023.

For your questions: 

What is the Tadamon Crowdfunding Academy?

The Tadamon Crowdfunding Academy is part of the "IsDB - ISFD CSO Empowerment Program for Poverty Reduction". This program is funded by the Islamic Solidarity Fund for Development (IsFD), implemented by the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) and implemented by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and other strategic partners.

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