What is the Scope of the Support Program?
This program focuses on cooperative and social enterprises operating in different regions of Turkey, hosting local communities and refugees under temporary or international protection.
Within the scope of the program, various supports will be offered to organizations selected according to eligibility criteria. These supports will include consultancy services to improve institutional capacity, studies to strengthen social cohesion, and in-kind support for income-generating activities. The support provided will be shaped in line with the needs of the organizations.
What is the Goal of the Program?
The goal of the program is to contribute to the development of the capacities of multicultural cooperatives and social enterprises and to support cooperation and solidarity between these organizations. In this way, it is aimed to increase the organizational sustainability of cooperatives and social enterprises and to strengthen solidarity and cooperation between communities.
Program Application Criteria
Applicant organizations must be a legal entity that allows social enterprise qualification:
- Economic enterprises of foundations and associations, cooperatives,
- Companies aiming to create social impact (joint stock, collective, limited, limited partnership)
- Applicant organizations must include refugees under temporary and/or international protection and members of the local community as members, partners, employees or beneficiaries.
- Applicant organizations must prove that they do not distribute the profits (positive income-expense difference) to their members or partners or that the distribution is limited (for trading companies and cooperatives).
- There must be a definition of income-generating activity in the articles of association/statutes/articles of association.