Within the scope of the fund, long-term projects of CSOs that are active in the field or that have started to provide support to the region will be supported.
The application process for the fund will consist of two stages. At this stage, only “pre-applications” containing project ideas will be accepted. After the preliminary applications are examined, a detailed application form will be requested from the projects that are likely to be supported, taking into account the total budget of the fund.
Applications to the Fund are expected to focus on at least one of the following issues regarding the needs of those affected by the earthquake in the earthquake zone or in the cities to which they went/transferred:
- Supporting living conditions with new services and opportunities,
- Improving their access to basic public services, especially education and health,
- Enabling them to become stronger and making it easier for them to seek their rights,
- Enabling them to become economically stronger,
- Provides monitoring and reporting of the rebuilding process,
- Studies to be carried out in order to design (new) living spaces to be established in the earthquake zone in an environmentally compatible and sustainable manner.
Organizations wishing to make a pre-application must fill out the application form completely and send it by 18:00 on Monday, March 13.
For detail information: https://siviltoplumdestek.org/yerel-guclenmeye-destek-fonu/yerel-guclenmeye-destek-fonu-basvurulari-acildi/