With the decision of the Constitutional Court dated 18.01.2024 with the numbers E: 2021/28 and K: 2024/11, published in the Official Gazette dated 03.04.2024 with the number 32509, some articles of the Law on Associations No. 5253 and the Law on Fundraising No. 2860 were declared null and void. It is expected that some articles of the Associations Law No. 5253 and the Fundraising Law No. 2860 will be amended to comply with the new regulations regarding the articles of the law that were annulled after the repeal decision and the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) Recommendation No. 8, which was updated in November 2023.
Civil society organisations have until Monday, 2 September 2024, to submit their opinions and proposals on the amendments in question.
For more information: https://www.siviltoplum.gov.tr/mevzuat-degisiklik-taslaklari