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STGM Supporting the Capacity of Civil Society Organisations in Disaster Risk Management Project Sub-Grant Proposal Call

The Supporting the Capacity of Civil Society Organisations in Disaster Risk Management project is a grant project implemented by the Civil Society Development Centre Association (STGM) with the support of the European Commission and aims to develop the capacity of civil society organisations to prevent, prepare for and respond to disasters.

Disaster risk management is an approach to creating a resilient society by reducing the impact of all types of natural and human-made disasters on lives, property, the environment and cultural heritage. It encompasses the phases of disaster prevention, disaster risk response, disaster preparedness, disaster response, recovery and post-disaster reconstruction.

Given the multidimensional and multi-layered nature of disaster risk, we believe that key actors such as public administration as well as civil society and civil society organizations as a whole have an important role to play in achieving the disaster risk reduction objectives in the priority action areas identified in the call for proposals. Through the call for proposals for sub-grants, we aim to support CSOs working specifically in the field of disaster risk management and to enhance the capacity of all other CSOs in the field of disaster risk management. In addition, through the DRM Subgrant Programme, which focuses on disaster risk prevention and reduction, we aim to reduce the impact of disasters on infrastructure, the ecosystem, society and the economy and increase society's resilience to disasters.

Programme focus, target groups and locations

The application for a sub-grant to support civil society organisations in disaster risk management has two target groups;

Target group 1: Civil society organisations that are actively working in the disaster area after the Kahramanmaraş earthquakes of 2023.

The following priority areas were defined for target group 1:

  • Strengthening the capacity of local communities in disaster risk management / creating new local initiatives.
  • Strengthening the rights-based approach and universal standards of humanitarian aid in the field of disaster risk management.

The main implementation site of the projects to be proposed under Target Group 1 and the related priority areas must be at least one of the provinces mainly affected by the earthquakes  in Kahramanmaraş (Kahramanmaraş, Hatay, Adıyaman, Osmaniye, Gaziantep, Şanlıurfa, Malatya, Diyarbakır, Adana, Kilis and Elazığ).

Target group 2: Civil society organisations that are active in fundamental rights areas such as gender equality, children's rights, nature conservation and refugee rights and aim to build capacity in the field of disaster risk management.

The following priority areas are supported for target group 2:
Strengthening the capacity of rights-based civil society organizations in disaster risk management, developing organisational structures/working procedures in these areas, building their capacity in networking and volunteer management.
Provinces with high disaster risk in Turkey will be prioritised for projects proposed under Target Group 2 and related priority areas.
Detailed information for both target groups can be found in the programme application guide in the annex. Please read.

What is the duration and budget of the programme?

The total grant amount foreseen under this call for proposals is 600,000 (six hundred thousand) euros. The grant amount to be requested per project must be a minimum of 15,000 (fifteen thousand) euros and a maximum of 30,000 (thirty thousand) euros.

The implementation period of the projects to be supported under the grant programme must be at least 9 months and may not exceed 14 months.

Eligibility criteria, eligible costs, evaluation of applications

Detailed information on the eligibility criteria for applicants, the costs covered by the programme and the evaluation of applications can be found in the programme guide.

Application procedure and deadline for submitting applications

Applications are submitted electronically via Jotform, a digital platform on our website.

Click here to apply.

The deadline for submitting applications is 1 October 2024, 23:59 local time.

How can you provide support during the application phase?

After the call for proposals for the Supporting the Capacity of Civil Society Organisations in Disaster Risk Management project has been announced and opened for applications, an online information meeting will be held. You can follow the date and time of the information session on our website and/or social media.

Support during the application phase will be limited to the technical assistance required for the submission of applications in accordance with the conditions and procedures of the programme.

In order to avoid potential conflicts of interest, no opinion will be expressed on the content of applications.

Additional questions about the application phase

Those wishing to apply for the programme can send their written questions to [email protected] by 23:59 on 18 September 2024. The answers to the questions sent to this address by this date will be compiled each week and published on our website on the third day of the following week.

Detailed information about the programme and the application process can be found in the attached application guide.

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